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Aviv Tzur joins Board of Directors

We are delighted to announce that Aviv Tzur has been appointed to Sentry Aerospares Board of Directors.

Adam Nemenyi, SAS Group CEO remarked: “We are absolutely delighted with Aviv’s appointment. He brings an incredible added dimension to the Board and undoubtedly will assist the management team with their successful growth at SAS. As we celebrate the first anniversary of the transformational merger between Aerospares 2000 and Sentry Aerospace, we look forward to continuing our strong growth and momentum, which will be bolstered not only by financial investment in high-demand aircraft parts, but also though key human capital additions”.

Mr. Tzur’s distinguished career in the aviation industry has included roles as Chief Executive Officer of Avborne Heavy Maintenance (now owned by AAR Corp.) and Executive Chairman of Ultimate Composites. He is the President of Avbiz Aerospace Ventures, which focuses on strategic and financial consulting and M&A. In addition, he currently serves as the President of the Greater Miami Aviation Association, a trade association representing over 300 aviation companies in S. Florida.

Aviv Tzur, commenting on his appointment, said: “I am honored and excited to join the Sentry Aerospares Board of Directors. I hold the company’s founders, Adam Nemenyi and Tony DiSimone Sr., in the highest regard, and I have the utmost respect for what they have achieved thus far. I am looking forward to working with them, Acorn, and senior management, to further accelerate the growth and success of SAS”.

Tony DiSimone, Sr., Sentry Aerospares’ Executive Chairman, said “We are thrilled to have someone with Aviv’s experience, network, and insights join the Board”.

Rick Nagel, Acorn’s Managing Partner, said “We are delighted to welcome Aviv to the Board of Directors. His long tenure in the aviation industry, his knowledge of the market and his vast number of relationships make him a tremendous addition to the SAS Board”.

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